William Lee D. Ewing

William Lee D. Ewing, Governor of Illinois Nov. 3 to 17, 1834, was a native of Kentucky, and probably of Scotch ancestry. He had a fine education, was a gentleman of polished manners and refined sentiment. In 1830 John Reynolds was elected Governor of the State, and...

John Reynolds

John Reynolds, Governor 1831-1834, was born in Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, Feb. 26, 1788. His father, Robert Reynolds and his mother, nee Margaret Moore, were both natives of Ireland, from which country they emigrated to the United States in 1785, landing at...

Ninian Edwards

Ninian Edwards, Governor from 1827 to 1830, was a son of Benjamin Edwards, and was born in Montgomery County, Maryland, in March, 1775. His domestic training was well fitted to give his mind strength, firmness and honorable principles, and a good foundation was laid...

Edward Coles

Edward Coles, second Governor of Illinois, 1823-6, was born Dec. 15, 1786, in Albemarle Co., Va., on the old family estate called “Enniscorthy,” on the Green Mountain. His father, John Coles, was a Colonel in the Revolutionary War. Having been fitted for...

Shadrach Bond

Shadrach Bond, the first Governor of Illinois after its organization as a State, serving from 1818 to 1822, was born in Frederick County, Maryland, in the year 1773, and was raised a farmer on his father’s plantation, receiving only a plain English education. He...

Illinois Historical Timeline

This is a list of historical moments in Illinois timeline. • 10,000 BC- 8000 BC -Paleo Indians roam the area, briefly occupying small camps in coniferous forests and subsisting on large game and wild plants. • 8000 BC- 500 BC – Archaic period Indians inhabit...

Historical Illinois Stories

Abe Lincoln’s Duel: Before she married Abraham Lincoln, Mary Todd wrote a paper that was critical of the then State Auditor, James Shields. When Shields confronted Abe Lincoln, Abe accepted responsibility for the article and Shields challenged him to a duel....

Notable Events in Illinois History

1673. Marquette and Jolliet descend the Mississippi, return to Wisconsin via Illinois River and Lake Michigan. 1675. Marquette founds mission near Starved Rock. 1680. La Salle builds fort Crevecoeur near Peoria. 1682. La Salle erects Fort St. Louis at Starved Rock....

Presidents from Illinois

Abraham Lincoln 16th President of the United States (1861–65) Life History: Nickname: “Honest Abe”; “Illinois Rail-Splitter” Born: Feb. 12, 1809, Hardin (now Larue) County, Ky. Profession: Lawyer Major Religion: None Marriage: Nov. 4, 1842, to...

Prominent Persons from Illinois

Well-Known Persons from Illinois history. Lila Acheson-Wallace, Co-Founder of Reader’s Digest, grew up and graduated from high school in Lewistown, IL Joan Allen (actress) Nick Anderson, former Illini basketball player, now a pro with Orlando Magic John B....