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Illinois Civil War Project

Dr. Nelson G. Blalock
1st Assistant Surgeon
115th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
bunting graphic

Blalock was born in North Carolina, Feb 17, 1836; he was educated in the common schools of his resident state, and spent one year in college in TN.

After leaving the Tennessee College, he was married Aug 1, 1858 to Miss Pantha Durham, an accomplished and estimable lady, who proved a true helpmate to him.

From college he went to Mt. Zion, Macon County, Ill., where he practiced his profession until the spring of 1862, when he entered the 115th Illinois as assistant surgeon; he remained until August, 1863, when ill health forced him to abandon the service.

May 18, 1864, his wife died, leaving two children, one of whom, Yancy C., still lives.

Dr. Blalock was married the second time December 10, 1865, to Miss Marie E. Greenfield, at Mt. Zion, Ill. Through his untiring industry over-five thousand acres of what was one time a barren alkali desert has blossomed forth into waving fields and fruit orchards. In 1881 he harvested ninety thousand bushels of wheat and barley. His fine fruit farm near Walla Walla, Washington, is a living monument to his sagacity and enterprise. This farm contains five hundred acres, of which four hundred acres are set out in fruit; sixty acres of this bore fruit in 1892 from which he realized the neat sum of $10,000. In company with two other gentlemen, the doctor is now engaged in opening to cultivation a tract of land containing 4,500 acres situated near Castle Rock, on the Columbia River, on the Washington side, and known as Long Island, all of which will be planted in orchard, alfalfa, etc.

He was a member of the Constitutional Convention in 1889, and assisted in framing the present constitution of the State. Dr. Blalock was unanimously elected President of the World's Fair Commission for the State of Washington, and executive commissioner; after this appointment he devoted all his energy, time and means to the end that Washington might be properly represented at the World's Fair.

He is now president of the Blalock Fruit Company and president of the Northwest Fruit Growers' Association, having been elected seven years consecutively. He is also president of the Walla Walla Canning Company, and resides at Walla Walla, Wash.

Submitted by William L. Baran

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