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Illinois Civil War Project

John Henry Hinton
Company G, 140th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
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John Henry Hinton, eldest son of James and Liza, was twelve years old when his family moved to the United States. During the Civil War he served with Company G, 140th Regiment, Illinois Volunteers at age 14. It wasn't long until his young age was found out and he was discharged. He continued to help out, however until he was old enough to enlist. While on duty at the Rock Island Arsenal, he told his children he shook hands with President Abraham Lincoln!

Per War Department records John officially served over 100 days, enlisting (of age) 3 May 1864 at Mercer, IL, mustering in 18 Jun 1864, and mustering out with his unit 29 Oct 1864 at Chicago. He owed $.56 for a canteen and $5.09 for clothing at muster-out. His enlistment papers show his residence as Windsor, Rivoli Township, Mercer Co., Illinois. This community is now called New Windsor.

John stated definitively on his Civil War Pension applications of 22 Apr 1915 and 2 Jun 1915 that he was born between Bronte and Oakville, Ontario near the city of Hamilton. This gives him the birthplace of Trafalgar Twp., Halton Co., Ontario, Canada.

Of interest may be John's description of himself on his "Declaration for Pension" of 5 Oct 1923: 5'8" tall, dark complexion, gray eyes, and brown hair.**** by Jan (Wilson) Ramos, great-granddaughter,

J. H. HINTON Civil War Veteran And Former Business Man Passes Away

J.H. Hinton, 85, one of the few remaining Civil War veterans in Lyons, passed away at 8:30 o'clock last evening, at the home on East Avenue South. He had been critically ill for a week.

Mr. Hinton was one of the best known of the older men in Lyons. Altho entirely deaf, he let neither that physical defect nor his advanced age prevent his interest in affairs and in the people of the community. Altho they could talk to him only through writing, he was a good conversationalist and chatted with nearly everyone he met, in a jovial way, which made for him many good friends.

John Henry Hinton was born in Hamilton, Canada, July 15, 1847. When he was a boy of 12 he came with his parents to Illinois, and two years later, when he was but 14 years old, the Civil War broke out. His father and other members of the family answered the call for volunteers and, despite his youth, he fell in line, enlisting as a private in Company G, 140th Regiment, Illinois volunteers. Once thereafter he was discharged because of his age, but found a way to reenter and as a consequence served during most of the four years that the war lasted.

At the close of the war he roamed around with an army "buddy" for a time, before finally locating at Kirksville, Missouri, where he married and reared a family.

Later he moved to Rich Hill, Missouri, and 23 years ago came to Lyons from that place. He entered the tailoring and dry cleaning business here, and continued at the work until seven years ago, when he sold the business to John Duke.

He is survived by the widow, and three sons and three daughters by a former marriage. The children are Elmer, address unknown; George of Coffeyville, Claude of Davenport, Iowa; Mrs. Bertha Wulf of Davenport; Mrs. Ethel Matkins of Davenport, and Mrs. Molly Chenowith of Galveston, Texas. Another son, of whom he was particularly fond, passed away October 19 at Davenport, and news of his death was thought to have added to his final illness. There are also three brothers, Will, at Des Moines; James, at Gravity, Iowa, and Ed who resides in California.

Funeral services will be held at 10 o'clock Saturday morning in St. Paul's Catholic church, with Fr. A. Mages in charge. The funeral will be military, with the local American Legion post assisting, and burial will be in Graceland Cemetery. ***

140TH ILLINOIS INFANTRY REGIMENTAL HISTORY, Adjutant General's Report: The One Hundred and Fortieth Infantry was organized at Camp Butler, June 18, 1864, and mustered into the United States Service on that date and on the same day left by rail for Cairo (IL); thence by boat for Memphis. From Memphis it marched to White River, a distance of thirty miles east, and was there formed into divisions and placed at different points along the line of the railroad between there and Holly Springs. It remained there about three months guarding the railroad, after which it moved to Memphis and did guard duty until ordered to Camp Fry, Chicago, for muster out, which occurred October 29, 1864. After having given up their arms tthey were solicited by Adjutant General Fuller to re-organize and march through Missouri in pursuit of General Price, which they did. This trip occupied about 6 weeks, when the Regiment returned to Camp Fry, and was finally dismissed after serving about 5 months. Camp Butler was located east of Springfield on "Clear Lake".

The roster lists: HINTON, John H.; Co. G; 140 Inf; Residence at enlistment - Windsor, IL. ***

Thanks to Jan (Wilson) Ramos,
gr-granddaughter of John Henry Hinton, for contributing the photo and bio.

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