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Illinois Civil War Project

James G. Holding
Company B, 115th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
bunting graphic

Sgt. Holding was the eldest son of Chaplain Holding, was born June 3. i839, in Kentucky, receiving his education in the select schools of that State and at the academy at Mechanicsburg, Ill.

He enlisted in Companv B at its organization, two of his brothers, Carlisle B. and Robert, being also in the army, as well as the father. He was a sergeant and faithfully discharged his duty and came through to the end without being wounded, though at one time receiving a shot through his cap.

He maintained his Christian integrity throughout the service. In 1866, he was married to Miss Anna C. Snyder.

For a number of years he served as mail clerk on one of the railways. On June 16, 1880, he answered the last roll call and was buried at Grandview, Ill., leaving a widow, two sons and a daughter surviving. His familv is now residing at Oberlin, 0.

Submitted by William Baran

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