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Illinois Civil War Project

Charles W. Jerome
Regimental Quartermaster, 115th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
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Lieutenant Jerome was born in Onondaga County, New York, September 8, 1828. When six years of age, his parents moved to Illinois. Charles passed his early youth on the farm, attending the common school never over three months in the year. At 18 he entered McKendree College, working his way through, and was graduated in 1852. He then engaged in teaching, as assistant in the Danville Seminary, Danville, Ill.; afterwards as principal of the Shelby Male and Female Seminary, Shelbyville, Ill.

He was married in 1858 to Miss Eugenia A. Jerome, of Bath, N. H. They have two children, Charles M. and Carolina 0. In 1862 he relinquished the principalship of the institution, and enlisted as a private in Company B, 115th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. At Camp Butler he was appointed quartermaster sergeant, and at Franklin, Tenn., April 1, 1863, he was promoted to first lieutenant and regimental quartermaster, which position he filled till the close of the war.

Lieutenant Jerome was conscientious, faithful and diligent in performing the duties of his position. His chief object was to supply his fellow soldiers with every comfort within reach. In the fall of 1863, in company with a large supply train crossing Walden's Ridge en route to Chattanooga, with supplies for the nearly famished Union soldiers, he was captured by the rebel General Wheeler. The prisoners were put on a forced march to Jasper, thence to McMinnville, and thence a few miles across Collins River, where they were hastily paroled and ordered North. Lieutenant Jerome, with a squad belonging to his brigade, soon found his way back to Nashville, thence to Chattanooga, and his command, having been absent just three weeks. his parole not being given in accordance with the "cartel" was not considered valid, and he resumed his duties again. He remained with his regiment until the close of the war, sharing its hardships and its successes.

He then resumed the profession of teaching, and for six- teen years, occupied the chair of Latin and Greek in the Southern Illinois Normal University at Carbondale. His health failing, he removed to Sioux City, IA. The climate proving too severe, he removed to Florida and engaged in the orange culture. In this latitude his health was very materially restored, and in September, 1895, he accepted the position of principal of the Dixon Academy at Shelbyville, Tenn. His health again failing, he was compelled to give up all work, and is now living quietly with his son at no. 13 Baltimore Place, Atlanta, GA.

Submitted by: William L. Baran

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