Captain John Lane

Company E, 115th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

Capt. Lane was born October 26, 1826, in Madison County, Ohio. His father, Rev. Joseph Lane, was a teacher and local preacher of the Methodist Church. At nineteen, Captain Lane came to Illinois and settled near Dan- ville. He was educated in the Danville Seminary and later studied for the ministry, being licensed to preach in 1853. He became a member of the Illinois conference and after filling several churches, was pastor at Macon, Ill., when Company E was formed, of which he was unanimously elected captain. He maintained his Christian character in the army and frequently preached to the regiment and in the churches where it was stationed. He resigned May 11, 1863, because of ill health. When able to do so, he resumed his position in the conference, rendering efficient service until his death, August 7, 1867, which occurred at Jacksonville, Ill., where he was buried in Diamond Grove Cemetery. His widow and two children, William J. and Margaret, now reside in Jacksonville.

Submitted by William Baran

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