Henry Nausley

Company K, 12th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

Born - 4 March 1842 in Jackson Co., I to Adam and Francis Nausley
Married - 15 September, 1865 to Elizabeth "Betty" Crews
- 25 September, 1887 to Susannah Holiday Wallace
Died - 19 September, 1923,Somerset Twp. Jackson Co., IL
Buried - Central Cemetery (military marker), Elk Twp. Jackson Co., IL

His descendants continue to live in Jackson Co., IL.

Father of eighteen children only ten of which lived to adulthood.

Henry Nausley enrolled August 11, 1862 in Murphysboro, IL for a three-year term as a private in Co. K, 73rd Reg. Illinois Vol. Infantry under the command of Captain James A. Rice

Engaged in conflicts of Stone's River (Murfreesboro, TN) Dec. 31, 1862-Jan. 2, 1863; Chickamauga, GA Sept. 19-20, 1863; Mission Ridge, TN Nov. 25,1863; and Franklin, Tennessee Nov. 30, 1864

Wounded in battle at Reseca, GA May 14, 1864.

Mustered out with company June 12, 1865 in Nashville, TN. Company was then transported a few days later by train to Springfield, IL to receive final discharge.

Submitted by Tom Roberts.

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