Isaac D. Page

Company K, 57th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

See Isaac Page's discharge papers

See his parents.

Isaac Dotson Page was born January 8, 1842 at Marion, Ohio.

He came to Illinois in 1852 and to Bureau County, Illinois in 1853. He worked on the Ira Evans farm in Concord Township in 1855 as a hired hand until 1861.

On October 25, 1861 Isaac was "enlisted" by Captain Augustus C. Berry of Wyanet, Illinois into Company 'K', 56th Illinois Volunteers. By order of Illinois Governor Yates, Company 'K' went to Springfield, Illinois and from there they went to Camp Douglas, Cook, Illinois. At that location, the 56th Illinois Volunteers were amalgamated with the 57th Illinois. Company 'K' was now in the 57th Illinois Volunteer Regiment. They were mustered into Federal service on December 26, 1861.

Isaac became ill on about February 1, 1862 and returned to Buda on sick leave. Meanwhile the 57th Illinois Volunteer Regiment, numbering 975 men, were issued "Harper Ferry muskets" and went from Camp Douglas via Illinois Central Railroad to Cairo, Illinois. From there they went to Fort Donelson, Kentucky by various means of transport. There were several encounters with Confederate forces but no test of strength.

Isaac rejoined his unit on March 13, 1862 at Crump's Landing, Tennessee. The 57th Regiment was enduring very trying weather conditions: drenching rain, deep mud, and rising waters. On April 6, 1862 after a lot of jockeying around of union forces, Company 'K' became the crucible of the "Battle of Shiloh" near Pittsburg, Tennessee. Reports from the field told of the altered flintlocks becoming fouled after firing a few rounds and were impossible to reload. Pvt. Isaac D. Page was shot in the left leg two inches above the knee. As he was being evacuatedfrom the battlefield, he was shot again, this time in the right hip with the bullet coming out his thigh.

He was transferred to Evansville, Indiana. He spent seven months recovering. On November 14, 1862 he was given a disability discharge from the U.S. Army and released from the hospital. His left leg was amputated later in life (1906).

Isaac returned to Buda where, at the invitation of the Evans family to stay with them, he continued to recover. They even had a room built on the side of their home to make a place for him to stay.

Mr. Ira Evans and Rev. Chester Covell were witnesses to the initial declarationfor an invalid pension dated May 1, 1863 on behalf of Isaac, who listed his occupationas that of a student. Later, Isaac attended Bryant and Stratton Business College at Chicago, Illinois. The pension was granted at the rate of $18.00 per month.

Isaac supplemented his pension with a stationery and book business. On October 2,1866 President Andrew Johnson appointed Isaac to be Postmaster of Buda; Alexander Randall, Postmaster General. During Isaac's tenure, a young lady, Barbara Etta Longenecker came to be employed there as an assistant. On August 11, 1885, Charles A. Pratt was appointed Postmaster of Buda by President Grover Cleveland. The citizens of Buda bought a gold headed cane and had it inscribed: "I.D. Page Nov 30 1885" and presented it to him in appreciation of his service as a soldier and as Postmaster.

On election day November, 1886, Isaac was elected Bureau County Illinois Treasurer and moved his residence to the county seat at Princeton.

June 15, 1880, Isaac had applied for an increase in his disability pension on account of the wound in his right hip had not been considered in his initial pension application. A $6.00 per month increase for a total of $24.00 was granted. He had asked for retro-active consideration on this increase back to his original application and was probably granted.

On January 19, 1887 Isaac was united in marriage with Barbara Etta Longenecker at Galva, Illinois by Rev. Chester Covell of Buda.

Isaac and Barbara had an ideal home life and were generous in sharing it with others. Friends were entertained graciously and many a young life, sheltered under its roof in surroundings of culture and refinement received inspiration to achieve the highest and the best. So, its influence has been an ever widening circle from year to year.

As Isaac grew older, his war wounds became more painful. On February 4, 1890, Mrs. Ira Evans, as a Notary Public, filed an affidavit to the effect that there were periodical attacks of festering on his left leg and that these sieges forced him to bed. The attacks were of a one to four week duration and occured several times each year.

The love of childeren, of flowers, and of poetry were marked characteristics of Isaac. Another trait was a keen sense of humor and his eyes could twinkle with fun over a good joke or a witty repartee in conversation. Of a high type of manhood, honorable, patriotic, and public spirited, he left his impression on his generation and was long remembered by his community.

Isaac died November 6, 1918 at Princeton. He had been failing in health for some time and there probably wasn't a day since April 6, 1862 that he did not suffer for the cause he champoined. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. C.C. Carpenter who paid a glowing tribute to a friend. The burial was in the Page family plot at Hopeland Cemetary, Buda. Veterans of the Princeton and the Buda Grand Army of the Republic acted as escort.

Barbara died April 15, 1935 and was buried beside her husband at Hopeland Cemetery.

Initial research by John L. Page
Additional research by Ed Page
Photo and information submitted by Ed Page.

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