Captain Zeboim Cartter Patten

Company H, 115th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

ZEBOIM CARTTER PATTEN, Lieutenant 149th New York Volunteers, was born May 3, 1840, in the town of Willna, Jefferson County, N. Y. He came of Revolutionary, New England stock. His maternal grandfather, Zeboim Cartter, was a colonel in the New York rnilitia in the War of 1812, and got the double "t" in his name from an English ancestor, to whom it was given by act of Parliament, for distinguished services in the royal navy. Lieutenant Patten immigrated to Tazewell County, Ill., in 1860, and located at Delavan. In August, 1862, he enlisted as a private in Captain Henry Pratt's Company H in the 115th Illinois. He served as company clerk for some time, keeping the company’s books, making the company rolls and generally serving as captain's assistant. In that way his gun and accoutrements, not being used, were kept bright and clean. While at Danville, Ky., after a hard march, when the boys were not looking their best, the command was ordered out for inspection by General Baird. The general was delighted with the bright appearance of Private Patten's gun and buckles, and ordered him to step to the front, as an example to the rest. No one in the company felt the injustice of the general's compliment more than Private Patten himself, and after that he insisted upon taking his full share of every duty, however severe. At the battle of Chickamauga he was corporal and color guard, and consequently occupied a most exposed position in the regiment. In the first charge on Snodgrass Ridge, a minie ball struck him in the instep of the left foot, passing through and coming out just below the ankle joint; he was one of the first men of Company H to be wounded. He was taken from the field a few minutes after he was hurt, and hauled in an ambulance through McFarland's Gap to Chattanooga, and left in the old Episcopal Church, which was then occupied as a hospital. Here he was the unwilling witness of numerous amputations of legs and arms, getting no attention himself, except a promise that they would cut off his foot just as soon as the worse cases were disposed of. The next morning Surgeon Jones came to his relief, however, and assured him that his foot should not be amputated. Two days later he started over Walden's Ridge in an army wagon and after three days' journey over the mountains and down the Sequatchie Valley to Bridgeport, Ala., he was given railroad transportation thence to the hospitals at Nashville. When able to travel, he was granted a furlough to his old home in Jefferson County, NY. After somewhat recovering from his wounds, he was discharged from the service to accept a commission as second lieutenant tendered him by Governor Horatio Seymour of New York, and while on crutches he recruited part of a company, and was assigned to Company H, 149th New York Infantry. He joined his new regiment while it was engaged in the battle of Resaca, and at once went into action. He was not long in the fight, however, until he was again wounded, receiving a shot in the left arm. He continued with the 149th New York in its marches, skirmishes and battles from Resaca to Kenesaw Mountain. His Chickamauga wound becoming so irritated by the marching that he was disabled for further services, his resignation was accepted July 5, 1864. He then returned to Delavan, Ill., where he remained until the spring of 1865, when he returned to Chattanooga as a clerk in the quartermaster's department, in which he continued until the close of the war. He then engaged in the book and stationery business in Chattanooga, in which he continued ten years, when he became proprietor and editor of the Chattanooga Daily Times. In 1876 he disposed of his newspaper, to engage in the manufacture of proprietary medicines, and ever since then has been the principal stockholder and president of the Chattanooga Medicine Co., one of the largest and wealthiest proprietary medicine companies in the country. In addition to managing so large a manufacturing concern, Comrade Patten has found time to enter into the spirit of improvement in the New South, and has been active in all the enterprises for the advancement of his adopted city. He was married in 1870 to Miss Mary Miller Rawlings, daughter of Hon. Daniel R. Rawlings of Chattanooga. His wife died in 1875, and he remains a widower. He has one daughter, the wife of Mr. J. T. Lupton, who, with her husband, are all who remain of Lieutenant Patten's family, occupying one of the handsomest of Chattanooga's homes on Fourth Street. Lieutenant Patten is a member of the G. A. R. and of the Loyal Legion, and gives a cordial greeting to all the comrades who pass his way. (note May 2003 William L Baran: This was one of those "unbelievable finds". When doing this research in Chattanooga I was employed by The Krystal Company. Zeboin’s great grandson was serving on the board. The medical company is now known as Chatum and is the largest employer in the city. The Lupton family was the first bottlers of Coca Cola and founded the Honor’s Golf Course in Chattanooga area. The family still lives in the area on Lookout Mountain. )

Submitted by William Baran

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