Christopher Columbus Pogue

Company C, 14th Illinois Volunteer Cavalry

Information from: War Government, Adjutant General's Office, Oct. 30, 1883 when attorney for Gilbert evans made application for minor children's pension benefits. special 309390 - form to Commissioner of Pensions. (Archive resarch for Donna Chernick by Lineages, Salt Lake city, Utah)

From Government Archive Records Research, 1993: Christopher Columbus Pogue enlisted (Civil War) at Peoria, IL on 10 Feb 1863 in Company "C" of the 14th Illinois Volunteer Cavalry commanded by Capt. James B. Dent in the war of the Rebellion of 1861. (He died from diseases contracted while a prisoner of war, while in the service of the Union Army of the United States, at Andersonville Prison, GA)

Christopher C. Pogue was a Private at the time of his discharge, Aug. 11, 1865. he was declared missing in action Aug. 3, 1864, at Mulberry River, GA. Mustered out on detachment muster out roll, July 8, 1865. Prisoner of war records show him captured at Sunshine Hill, GA, Aug. 3, 1864. Confined at Andersonville Prison, Andersonville, GA. Paroled at Jacksonville, FL, April 28, 1865. Sent from Maryland to Benton Barracks, Missouri, May 17, 1865. When he arrived May 23, 1865, ordered to report to Chief Muster Officer of State for muster out, May 28, 1865. June 1865, a paroled prisoner at Annapolis, MD.

Submitted by: Donna Sears Chernick

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