Lt. Colonel George A. Poteet

115th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

George Allan Poteet was born October 12, 1837, at Rockville, Parke County, Indiana. His father, Dr. Allran Poteet, was born in Mountain Home, Rutherford County, North Carolina; his mother, Aceneth Sill Poteet, was born in Shelby County, Ky., where they were united in marriage. Shortly after this Dr. Poteet removed to Indiana and located at Rockville. In 1842 the family removed to the northern part of the State, locating at Rensselaer, Jasper County; in 1844 they again removed to Monticello, White County, and in 1864 returned to Rockville, where Mrs. Poteet died in 1847. Dr. Poteet died in 1852 at Montezuma, Ind. George’s education was received in district and public schools. He was tendered an appointment to West Point as cadet by Congressman John G. Davis, of Indiana, but because of the serious illness of his sister, was unable to accept.

Colonel Poteet was a resident of Shelbyville, Ill., at the breaking out of the war. He enlisted as a private under Capt. Cyrus Hall on May 1, 1861, but was mustered in as sixth sergeant May 11, 1861, in Company B, 14th Illinois Volunteers, in the State service for thirty days, unless sooner required for the United States service. On the 25th of the same month he was mustered into the United States service for three years; September 21, 1861, he was promoted to first lieutenant of Company B, and assigned to duty on the staff of General Palmer as acting commissary of subsistence, in which capacity he served in the campaign in southwest Missouri. In February, 1862, he returned to his company, arriving at Fort Donelson one day after the surrender. He was with his company in the battle of Shiloh, and was severely wounded the first day of the battle, April 6th. When able to travel, he returned home on leave of absence, but before he was able for field duty, he heard his country's call for more men, and took the lead in recruiting a company subsequently known as Company B, 115th Illinois Volunteers, of which he was elected captain. On going to Camp Butler he took an active part in the organization of the regiment, and was mustered in as major. He was conspicuous for gallant conduct in the battle of Chickamauga, and at its close was promoted to lieutenant-colonel. He served with his regiment in all its campaigns, being in command of the regiment most of the time after the close of the Atlanta campaign, until it was mustered out in June, 1865. About that time the President conferred on him the brevet rank of colonel of United States volunteers, for bravery and meritorious conduct in the battles of Shiloh, Chickamauga, Resaca and Nashville.

He was married December 24, 1861, to Miss M. B. Smith of Paris, Monroe County, Mo. After being mustered out of the service June 11, 1865, he returned to Shelbyville, Ill., en- gaging in business there. He removed to Mexico, Mo., June, 1868. Later he was appointed postmaster at Mexico, and served four years. In 1884 he removed to Kansas City, Mo., and has since been engaged in clerical work in a railroad office, and as freight inspector, for the Western Railway Weighing Association and Inspection Bureau, waiting for the final muster out. His address is No. 1234 Indiana Avenue, Kansas City, Mo.

Submitted by: William L. Baran

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