John B. Reed

Saddler sergeant

14th Illinois Volunteer Cavalry

John B. Reed 14th Ill cavalry
Saddler Sergeant of Elmwood Ill,
Enlistment Sep. 15, 1862
Date mustered Jan. 7th 1863
Date mustered out July 31st 1865

Arcaneus Lodge, No. 102, I. O. O. F., was first instituted at Brimfield, Peoria county, Ills., April 9, 1852, with District Deputy G. M. Linneli in the chair. Charter members consisting of the following, viz.: L. S. Robinson, Robert C. Hart, Thos. J. Moore, Jacob Sapping and John Smiles. Surrendered charter, turned over books and regalia to Grand Lodge Nov. 19, 1863. Re-organized under the same charter in Elmwood, through the influence of Mr. J. B. Reed, a former member of the Brimfield Lodge, July 7, 1873.

The charter members of this organization were as follows: Thos. W. Keene, W. S. Ritchie, D. B. Jones, Wm. Hurlbut, Samuel Alluvelt, Silas Caldwell and J. B. Reed. The first officers were Thos. W. Keene, N. G., W. S. Ritchie, V. G., J. B. Reed, Sec. and Samuel Alluvelt, Treas.

After the war John B. Reed owned a harness shop on the corner of East Main and Magnolia in Elmwood Ill. through the turn of the century. I have a photo of him in front of it if you are interested. I also have all his enlistment and mustering out papers scanned also.

Thank you Robert Dale Reed gr-gr-grandson of John B. Reed

Submitted by Robert Dale Reed

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