Alexander Roberts

Company D, 81st Illinois Volunteer Infantry

Born - 29 September 1825 TN
Married - 24 or 28 October 1849, McLeansboro, Hamilton Co., IL to Sarah
Jane Durham (b. 4/15/1830 KY)
Ceremony performed by Alfred Braden, Justice of Peace
Died - 19 January 1877,Somerset Twp. Jackson Co., IL
Buried - Roberts Farm Cemetery, Somerset Twp. Jackson Co., IL
(His descendants continue to live in Jackson Co., IL)

Father of eight. Had five children by the time he enlisted at age 39.

Pictured in his Civil War uniform. Field photo taken sometime after the
seige of Vicksburg, circa Aug.- Sept., 1863

Enlisted August 12, 1862 at Murphysboro, IL for a three-year term as a
private in Co. D, 81st Illinois Vol. Infantry.

Mustered in August 26, 1862 at Camp Anna, Anna, IL.

Wounded during the seige of Vicksburg, Mississippi, May, 22,1863.

". . . that while engaged upon in the charge upon Vicksburg in the State of
Mississippi on the 22nd day of May 1863, the aforesaid Alexander Roberts received a gunshot would in his right hand, greatly shattering the bones of the thumb of said hand and permanently and greatly destroying the
usefulness of said thumb."

Taken from signed testimony and affidavit of George W. Nosley, January 13,1882, late Private Co. D 81st Illinois Vol. in the matter of the pension
claim for widowed Sarah J. Roberts on file at Springfield, IL

Promoted March 1, 1865 to the rank of Corporal.

Submitted by Tom Roberts.

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