William R. Satterlee

Company F, 126th Illinois Infantry

William R. Satterlee was born in 1837 in Montgomery County, Illinois. He married Agnes Irvin on August 29, 1858. He was 5'8" tall, black curly hair, dark complexion and had hazel eyes according to his Civil War records. His occupation was a farmer.

He joined the 126th Illinois Infantry, Company F, on August 4, 1862, and was mustered in on September 4, 1862 in Alton, Illinois. His roll sheet showed him present during all roll calls. On his May/June 1862 card, however, a note stated that he was left in a hospital in Jackson, Tennessee, on May 16, 1863. This occurred just before the 126th was sent to Vicksburg. According to records, he died in U.S. General Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri on July 13, 1863. Cause of death was listed as chronic diarrhea.

In addition to his wife, Agnes, he left a daughter, Clara Anna Elizabeth, who was born on June 26, 1859.

Submitted by Brian Schoenthaler

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