Captain/Major Joseph H. Scibird

Company B, 70th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

This couple came out of an album together. Research has led us to believe this is Captain/Major Joseph H. Scibird (Company B, 70th Illinois Infantry, 3 month) and his wife (Frances). The imprints on the backs of the CDVs are SCIBIRD of Bloomington, IL. Since he signed his card "Joe H. S." and the woman signed hers "Mrs. Joe H. Scibird" it leads us to the deduction that he is one of the brothers who owned the Bloomington photo gallery.

A period cdv of a photographer who was also serving in the military for his state is rare.

In 1983, the Bloomington-Normal Genealogical Society replied: "John and Joseph Scibird were brothers who did own a photography shop in Bloomington, but I do not know exactly how long." Joe mustered in on July 4, 1862 at Camp Butler and mustered out October 23, 1862, a short service and a practice that was to be termed "90 day wonders."

Photo and information submitted by John Ertzgaard who passed away in 2002.

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