William Fitzalan Sigler

Company I, 98th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

William Fitzalan Sigler was born June 5, 1830 in Meigs County, Ohio. He was the son of Eli Sigler and Melinda Phelps. He married Eliza Mary VanGilder in Gallia County, Ohio on January 1, 1854. They moved to Gray County Illinois before 1860.

William joined Company I of the 98th Illinois Volunteer Infantry as a private on August 13, 1862. His personal description at enlistment was as follows: Height 5 feet 9 inches; complexion fair; color of eyes dark; color of hair brown; his occupation was Physician. On May 26, 1863 he was assigned to the 130th Illinois Infantry upon promotion and Muster In as Assistant Surgeon. He was transferred January 25, 1865 to the 77th Illinois Infantry. He was retransferred to the 130th Illinois Infantry July 7, 1865. He was mustered out at New Orleans, Louisiana on August 15, 1865.

These are some dates mentioned in his pension records:

October 31, 1862 - Absent at Louisville, sick
December 3, 1862 - Absent, sick
February 28, 1863 - Absent. Detailed as Hospital Steward at New Albany, Indiana
April 30, 1863 - Name not borne
April 30, 1864 - Absent, Sent to New Orleans with sick of Division
June 30, 1864 - Present - Reported to Regiment June 1, 1864.

Submitted by Bonita L. Nalepa

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