Hugh Andrew Smith

Company E, 21st Illinois Volunteer Infantry

John Bailey Smith

Company B, 41st Illinois Volunteer Infantry

Williams B. Smith

Company B, 41st Illinois Volunteer Infantry

Samuel D. Smith

154th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

Children of Wesley White Smith: Back l-r: Will, Molly, Joe, Tom. Front l-r: John B., Hugh, Sam D.

Hugh Andrew Smith, Private in Company E, 21st Illinois Infantry - June 28, 1861-July 5, 18964
John Bailey Smith, Private in Company B, 41st Illinois Infantry - August 6, 1861-October 21, 1862 with disability
Williams B. Smith, Company B ov the Veteran Battalion 41st Illinois Infantry and Company G, 53rd Illinois Infantry
Samuel D. Smith, Private in the 154th Illinois Infantry from February 11, 1865-September 18, 1865
The twins, Joe and Tom, were only eleven when the Civil War ended. Samuel David Smith was only 16 when he enlisted. Not shown is sister, Elizabeth Jane, who was married to Andrew Jackson Stewart, Company A, 35th Illinois Infantry.

Submitted by Brian W. Smith

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