Captain Erasmus D. Steen

Company B, 115th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

ERASMUS D. STEEN, First Lieutenant, Brevet Captain, U. S. Volunteers. Captain Steen activelv assisted in the formation of Company B and was an efficient officer in the companv until the battle of Chickamauga. While gallantly leading his men in the action on that eventful Sundav afternoon Lieutenant Steen was very severeiv wounded by a musket ball through the abdomen. Supposed to be mortallv wounded he was carried from the field bv his comrades to save him from dying among the enemv. However, to the surprise of all who saw him after receiving his wound, he endured the jolting of the transfer from McFarlands Gap to Chattanooga and the wearv months in hospital and so far recovered that he is now able to do some business. After returning to the regi- ment his wound still so far disabled him that he was unable for duty and resigned his commission on April 20, 1865, and returned home, He was some time in business in Shelbvville and later several vears in business at Danville, Ill. He then spent several years as excursion agent for various railroads, residing in Chicago. He was married before entering the armv and has several grown children, -a son being in partnership with him, a daughter. the wife of judge Thompson of Danville, Ill., and two daughters at home. He is now in the real estate business at Room 38 Merchants' Building, and resides at No. 240 Hampden Court. Chicago.

Source: History of 115th Reg ILL Vol. Infantry
By: Isaac Henry Clay Royse
2nd Lt. Co. E
Published 1900 Windsor & Kenfield Pub. Co. Chicago
Library # 973.7473R892
Terre Haute, IN. July 1900

Submitted by William Baran

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