Jacob P. Stewart

Company F, 103rd Illinois Volunteer Infantry

When the call of his country came, he with his half brother William A. Smith responed to the call , leaving an agged mother and a young bride at home in sorrow to await his return.

Jacob P. Stewart joined the service August 14, 1862 in Company F, 103 Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantrry and served throughout the conflict and was honorably discharged June 3,1865.

While in the service, for his countryhe traveled over 4,000 miles and was engaged in twenty- three battles among which were: Missionary Ridge, Kenesaw Mountain, Seige of Vicksburg, Atlanta Campaign and Shermans, March to the Sea.

He was wounded while at Snake Creek Gap, and again seriously wounded at Columbia, S. C. by being struck by a carbine ball in the shoulder,whichcompletely shatter the bone of the arm, which resulted in four inches of bone being taken out, leaving him crippled in that arm.

He was a member of he Christian church. He moved to Wyaconda, Missouri where he died June 15,1919, leaving to grieve a wife and six children, one preceding him in death, 13, grandchildren and two g-grandchildren.

Sleep a restful sleep brave soldier.

Submitted by Carol Coulter

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