James Venable

Company B, 126th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

Following is excerpt from the Reynolds Press dated March 23, 1917...

"James Venable was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, on May 15, 1838, and died suddenly on March 15, 1917, aged 78 years, 10 months. .... Soon after the death of his father, Mr. Venable, at the age of 16, came with his mother and brothers to America and located near Keithsburg, Ill. After two years they moved to North Mercer county where Mr. Venable lived with his mother till Aug. 11, 1862, when he enlisted in Co. B, 126th Ill. Vol. Inf., under Captain Cline of Rock Island. Serving with the army of the Southwest, he was in all the battles in which his regiment took part. He was honorably discharged at Springfield on Aug. 11, 1865. On March 24, 1869, he was married to Miss Christina* [sic] Titterington and they began their married life on the old Venable homestead that was his home till death. Seven children were born to them. ...During his long life he filled a number of honorable positions and offices of trust. For many years he had been a member of Reynolds G.A.R. Post and Reynolds Camp, M.W.A. Representing the Democratic party, he served two terms as supervisor on the county board. His best history has been written in connection with the Presbyterian church of Edgington which he joined on Jan. 5, 1867. He was elected Ruling elder on Sep. 5, 1908. His father had been an Elder in the Irish church. ...Interment was made at the Edgington Cemetery. With the passing of James Venable, another Grand Army man has gone to answer the roll call on high. There are only 15 left in this locality. It seems such a short time ago when the Post here was 40 or more strong and when they marched with firm and steady tread to the annual memorial services."

From an article in the Reynolds Press dated May 7, 1909:

"James Venable, the new supervisor of Edgington, was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, on May 15, 1836, and dates his arrival in the United States from Oct. 9, 1856. With his mother, brothers and sisters he located about four miles east of Keithsburg, Mercer county, Illinois. In 1858 the family moved onto a farm in Perryton two and one-half miles west of Hamlet from which place Mr. Venable enlisted in 1862 in Co. B, 126th Ill., Vol. Inf. For three years, lacking a few days, he gave honorable service to his country and in 1866 he moved a fourth mile east of the village of Edgington to a farm now owned by Edward Hartman. In 1868 he was married to Miss Christiann [sic] Titterington and they now have living six sons and one daughter. Mr. Venable has been a member of the G.A.R. Post in Reynolds since its start. Since 1867 he has been a member of the Presbyterian church and has served for several years as an Elder. In politics he is a democrat."

*proper first name is Christiana.

Submitted by Eileen McLean

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