Matthew J. Verner

Company B, 115th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

Matthew J. Verner was born in the city of Philadelphia, June 5, 1847, and while very young his parents removed to Illinois. At the age of seven he was left an orphan, and lived with friends until twelve years of age, after which he resided with his brother in Shelby County, Ill., until he enlisted at the age of fifteen, in Company B as musician. However, he shouldered his gun with the rest of his company and gallantly participated in the battles of Chickamauga and Resaca. In 1863 he was appointed brigade orderly, and acted as such until mustered out. Matthew Verner was well known to all the regiment for his polite deportment and ready discharge of duty as orderly, and for his soldierly qualities. On being mustered out in June 1865, he returned to Shelbyville, Ill., where he attended school until March, 1868. He then removed to Eureka, Kan. In 1887 he removed to Kansas City, Mo., where he now resides, and is senior partner of the live stock commission firm of Verner & Scroggin. While in Kansas he held the office of registrar of deeds for four years, and was sheriff four years. He was married in Shelby County, Ill., in 1869, to Miss C. A. Pugh, and has two children. He is a prominent citizen of Kansas City, and a thirty-second degree mason.

Source: History of 115th Reg ILL Vol. Infantry
By: Isaac Henry Clay Royse
2nd Lt. Co. E
Published 1900 Windsor & Kenfield Pub. Co. Chicago
Library # 973.7473R892
Terre Haute, IN. July 1900

Submitted by William Baran

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