Nicholas Walton

Company B, 65th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

Nicholas Walton was born on 24 January 1841 in Ribpley County, Indiana. He enlisted in the Army with his father, Zachariah Walton, in February 1862. They were assigned to co. B, 65th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and they were both captured by Stonewall Jackson and General Lee in the surrender of Harper's Ferry in September 1862. Their company was paroled and sent to Annapolis, Maryland, then to Chicago, Illinois, and they remained there until April 1863. They were declared exchanged and ordered to Kentucky where they fought in several battles in eastern Tennessee and North Carolina. Both men were honorably discharged after the Civil War and received Federal pensions due to injuries received during the war.

Nicholas married Samantha Carothers on 30 June 1869 and they had four childred, two dying as infants. Samantha died on 8 January 1876 and two years later, Nicholas married Samantha's younger sister, Elzira Carothers, on 1 January 1878. They had nine children. The Walton families moved to Nebraska where Nicholas became active in the community. His father returned to Andalusia, Illinois. Nicholas was a member of the A.A. Plumb Post, Grand Army of the Republic. Nicholas died on 24 February 1928 in Loveland, Colorado, and was returned to Wilsonville for burial. Elzira died on 28 December 1933 and was buried next to her husband in the Tyrone cemetery.

Submitted by Kevin L. Walton

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