MONDAY May 1, 1865 -- Wrote one letter. Signed the pay rolls up to the 1st of March.

TUESDAY 2 -- Went downtown this afternoon. Mobile is improving since its occupation by our forces. Wilson is quite unwell. I do hope he is not going to be sick.

WEDNESDAY 3 --Wrote one letter. Wils. is better today. A large mail but none for me. Guess the folks have gone back on me. No news of any note in camp.

THURSDAY 4 --I received 3 letters this afternoon from home. Went downtown. Got some things for Wils and some papers.

FRIDAY 5 -- On picket again today. Got a good shady rest. Blackberries around us in plenty. I milked two cows today. The first fresh milk I have had since I came into the army.

SATURDAY 6 --Wrote 2 letters this afternoon. Fixed up our tent so we have more room.

SUNDAY 7 -- The Sabbath. Went twice to meeting. heard two excellent sermons. Gospel ones. Lacking somewhat in the patriotic though.

MONDAY 8 --Wrote one letter. On fatigue this afternoon. Got brush to make a booth near the Col. tent. he is putting on style.

TUESDAY 9 -- Laid in camp all day. Good and lazy. pleasant weather and in good health.

WEDNESDAY 10 -- Had drill twice today. I went blackberrying. Got about one quart besides some mulberries. Mended my clothes this afternoon.

THURSDAY 11 --On picket again. news from camp of marching orders. I got one letter by todays mail.

FRIDAY 12 --General Inspection this evening. The 46th got all paid today.

SATURDAY 13 -- I have been quite unwell today and last night. Sick all over the first time since I came into the army. But am much better, thank Providence.

SUNDAY 14 --Company Inspection this morning. Went to Episcopal Church this forenoon. The minister left out the prayer for the President of the U.S.

MONDAY 15 -- On picket again down near the R.R. Two trains came in loaded with Reb soldiers, who are sent home on parole.

TUESDAY 16 --Wrote one letter. Laid in the tent the rest of the day. A fuss on drill tonight. Extra duty for the culprit.

WEDNESDAY 17 -- Got an order on the sutler tonight. News of the capture of Jeff Davis in this mornings paper. Hope it is true.

THURSDAY 18 -- Wrote one letter. read. Walked and loafed the rest of the time.

FRIDAY 19 --Laid in camp all day as lazy as possible. A report of the surrender of Kirby Smith is rumored tonight.

SATURDAY 20 -- Letters from home today. All in good health. Wrote one letter. Nothing unusual going on in camp. Part of the 46th came back today.

SUNDAY May 21, 1865 -- Went to meeting twice today. heard one Excellent sermon. Quite patriotic.

MONDAY 22 -- We got out pay today. When (?) the money due (?) . Went to the theater tonight. Rather a poor show.

TUESDAY 23 -- On fatigue. Expressed our money home to father. Wils is quite unwell. Spreeing it to heavy on ice cream.

WEDNESDAY 24 -- Wils is a great deal better. I got a letter from A. M. and answered it. On guard today again.

THURSDAY 25 -- Wrote 2 letters. The magazine exploded in town this afternoon. Our Regt. was ordered down to assist. It was the most appalling catastrophe that I ever saw.

(additional note) The magazine blew up this afternoon and tore a good share of the town to pieces. Beat all the sights I ever saw. The ground fairly danced all around. The Government loss is very heavy in Ammunition, mules, and horses, wagons and other articles. The loss of life is not as heavy as was first expected. When our Regt. started from Camp it No. 140 men. The rest having gone down to see what the damage was on their own hook.

FRIDAY 26 -- 6 Cos. of the 11th were down on duty this afternoon. The ruins are awful. And the loss of life a great deal heavier than we first thought.

SATURDAY 27 -- 4 Cos. were ordered down on fatigue last night to put out the fire. got back about midnight. left Camp this forenoon. Went aboard the W. C. [White Cloud] and started for N.O. Grounded on the bar at Fort Powel.

SUNDAY 28 -- Got off the bar about 9 o'clock and have been sailing steadily all day. Will reach Lakeport some time tonight. Met 3 boats going to Mobile.

MONDAY 29 -- Reached land 5 miles from town at midnight last night. Was on fatigue this afternoon. Went over town considerable and it is a gay place. Rec'd one letter. Wrote one.

TUESDAY 30 -- Broke up camp middle of the afternoon. Marched through town and went aboard the Adams just at dark. A row and fight in [company] H this afternoon.

WEDNESDAY 31 -- Started from N. O. at daylight this A.M. Sailed along --- when the hog chain broke and we had to unload an lay by all day. On guard.

THURSDAY June 1, 1865 -- Got righted and started at 2 A.M. and have sailed all day rather slowly. The scenery is good, looks well. Crops ditto.

FRIDAY 2 --At the mouth of the Red River. All ready to go up. The whole Divn. is here and several gun boats. Quite a fleet has gone.

SATURDAY 3 -- This is a good country for wood and water. Almost the whole county is flooded. We have just got to where it can be inhabited. Saw one alligator.

SUNDAY 4 -- Woke this morning to find ourselves at Alexandria. We crossed the river and are camped in Reb Barracks about one mile from the river. No Sunday at all today.

MONDAY June 5, 1865 -- Had dress parade tonight. An order was read from Gen. Herrow (?) stating that the War is over. Wrote one letter home.

TUESDAY 6 -- Went for berries. Had Co. drill twice. Hard tack for rations. Goes dry after having soft bread.

WEDNESDAY 7 -- Went out to the state Seminary which Gen. Sherman was principal before the war. Saw the house in which he lived. A Brigade of Reb troops are camped at the river.

THURSDAY 8 -- Jimmie was very sick last night. I was up with him until 2 o'clock. He had a rush of blood to the head. Is a good deal better.

FRIDAY 9 -- Finished reading my testament through again today. Went for berries and loafed the rest of the time.

SATURDAY 10 -- Raining some tonight. It is very warm and a good rain would be a good thing. We drew salt horse today. Bil (?) has gone to ___(?).

SUNDAY 11 -- Went to town. Saw the boys over there. An order came tonight to muster out all whose time expires before Oct. first 1865.

MONDAY 12 -- Rained all forenoon, quite smart. I went for berries this afternoon. Wrote 2 letters today.

TUESDAY 13 -- Went for berries as usual. This is a very lonesome place and makes time very slow and tedious.

WEDNESDAY 14 -- Went again for berries. Rained all afternoon. Bought some honey this morning of some farmers. 25 cents a lb.

THURSDAY 15 -- On guard tonight. We have to stand 3 hours in 24. One relief apiece. I went for blackberries today for a change.

FRIDAY 16 -- Dull and lazy. Nothing to say. No news. No stir at all.

SATURDAY 17 -- Went for Berries. Had mail, the first since we left N.O. None for me. Guess they have gone back on me.

SUNDAY 18 -- Company inspection this morning. Lieut. came around and took an account of our guns and accoutrements.

MONDAY 19 -- On fatigue this forenoon and left. [Probably went temporarily absent without leave.] Expect will have to do extra duty for it. Wrote one letter.

TUESDAY 20 -- Got marching orders today. The baggage has all gone. I have been unwell all afternoon.

WEDNESDAY 21 -- Some better today. Had a little fever this afternoon. Did not leave as we expected yesterday on account of some difficulty about the transportation.

THURSDAY 22 -- The Doctor says I have the dumps (?) ague had a high fever this afternoon.

FRIDAY 23 -- Reached Batonesque at daylight. My ague came on again this afternoon. Left Alexandria the 22 at 10 A.M.

SATURDAY June 24, 1865 -- Another fever today. A short one though I feel weak tonight. Our Heavenly Father bless the remedie.

SUNDAY 25 -- Missed my fever and ague this afternoon. Hope I will not have it again. I laid all day in the shade south of Camp in a good cool place.

MONDAY 26 -- Missed the fever again today. Kept pretty close in the shade all day. Feel a good deal better though quite weak.

TUESDAY 27 -- Feel some better still tonight. My appetite is coming back and victuals begin to taste good again. No ague this afternoon.

WEDNESDAY 28 -- Still feel some better. Appetite is again good. Got some money of C. H. Gordineer, this evening. Jimmie went to the hospital this morning.

THURSDAY 29 -- Wrote a letter home this morning. Traveled around town considerable today. Went and saw Jim. He is in a comfortable place. How much I have to be thankful for.

FRIDAY 30 -- Mustered this morning for two months more pay. Wrote a letter this morning. run around town. Got some ripe figs. They are good eating.

SATURDAY July 1, 1865 -- It rained hard all night last night. Made us lay low in our tents. Cleared off today.

SUNDAY 2 -- Had Co. inspection this morning. Went to church this forenoon. Went to the Christian Commission and got some papers. Dress Parade this evening.

MONDAY 3 -- On guard at the saw mill. the first duty I have had since we left Alexandria. This is a regular negro town.

TUESDAY 4 -- This is the 4th of July. A regular nigger [sic] celebration in this town today. Wrote one letter.

WEDNESDAY 5 -- Had mail once more. Letter from home. Nothing of note going on that I know of.

THURSDAY 6 -- Drew clothing once more. I got a pair of boots which I think will keep me shod as long as I have to serve.

FRIDAY 7 -- I helped some on the Co. books and rolls today. My clothing account is a large one. They euchered me bad at Springfield.

SATURDAY 8 -- Worked nearly all day in the Capt. Tent on the muster out and transfer roll. A real job to get a log of men out of the U.S. service.

SUNDAY 9 -- Had mail this morning early. I got letters from home. Wrote 2 letters this forenoon. Helped on the muster rolls this afternoon.

MONDAY 10 -- Turned over my gun and accoutrements to day. Went to the Hosp. to see Jim and bid him good bye as it is said we will leave tonight.

TUESDAY 11 -- Did not leave last night for our Regts. as we expected. Spent the day in reading Russell's Diary North and South.

[Note: This book was written by an English author and journalist, William Howard Russell. He came to America shortly before the Civil War began and then somehow managed to travel throughout the eastern states, down through the south, and up the Mississippi River to the midwest during the first months of the War. He maintained a diary and wrote of his travels in the book, My Diary North and South published in 1863 in Boston by T. O. H. P. Burnham Company. It is available in its entirety on the internet at <>. Alternatively, it can be located by conducting a web search for the author or title. The book can be found in libraries or purchased from local or internet bookstores.]

WEDNESDAY July 12, 1865 -- On board the stern wheeler Aroganot for Red River. We are going to the 46th some where up above Alexandria. Goodbye 11th.

THURSDAY 13 -- Laid up part of last night. We are making very slow time. Expect to get to the mouth of Red River some time this evening.

FRIDAY 14 -- We are going slowly. Saw several alligators. We have to tie up nights. Mosquitoes are very bad.

SATURDAY 15 -- Wrote one letter home. Stopped for wood 3 times today. One of K Cos. boys by the name of Woods fell into the river. He swam to the shore.

SUNDAY 16 -- Got to Alexandria this forenoon. Laid up all day. Rained a little this afternoon. Got some papers of the U.S.A. Commission.

MONDAY 17 -- Laid at Alexandria all day. Drew rations again. Nothing of note to mention.

TUESDAY 18 -- Went aboard the Sallie List this afternoon and are making good time up the river. Had a fuss with the Hazel Dell today.

WEDNESDAY 19 -- Reached the Regmt. about 5 this evening. Round to Cos. at Grand Ecore [near Natchitoches, LA] G and H. The boys seemed glad to see us.

THURSDAY 20 -- Was assigned to Co. G this forenoon. We drew rations this afternoon for the rest of the month.

FRIDAY 21 -- Built a good cook shed. Got things well fixed. Drew the best soft bread tonight we have had for a long time.

SATURDAY 22 -- Very warm weather now days. Slept, read and layed around all day.

SUNDAY 23 -- Rained a little this evening. Enough to make it pleasant and make the mosquitoes quiet.

MONDAY 24 -- On fatigue this forenoon. Wrote one letter this afternoon. Some report of this Co. being relieved this evening.

TUESDAY 25 -- Moved out to the Regt. this afternoon. got our tent up. We are camped in a good place. Good water and shade.

WEDNESDAY 26 -- Built a shade over our tent and a bunk inside this forenoon. Our mess put up a cook house this afternoon.

THURSDAY 27 -- Walked to the Landing this morning. After my clothes. Bought a melon today.

FRIDAY 28 -- Received 4 letters from home. Good news though rather old. Loafed all day.

SATURDAY 29 -- Wrote one letter. Mended my clothes and read most of the day. Rained a little this evening.

SUNDAY 30 -- On fatigue this afternoon unloading forage. Read and laid around the rest of the time.

MONDAY July 31, 1865 -- Wrote one letter and loafed the rest of the time.

TUESDAY August 1, 1865 -- Went for peaches. Got my haversack full in an old field. Desicated potatoes for supper.

WEDNESDAY 2 -- On fatigue this forenoon. Rained a little this evening. Just a nice little shower.

THURSDAY 3 -- Wils and I went for peaches this forenoon. Took a long tramp. A heavy shower this afternoon.

FRIDAY 4 -- Did not go out of camp all day. The weather is hot and makes us lazy. Read Ovid's Art of Love.

SATURDAY 5 -- Went over the river for peaches. Was in the finest peach orchard I ever saw. The owner is very liberal with them. I got a good lot. Rain again this afternoon.

SUNDAY 6 -- Laid in camp all day. Read some in Milton's Paradise Lost, besides my testament.

MONDAY 7 -- Wrote a letter this morning. On fatigue this afternoon. Went to the landing but had nothing to do.

TUESDAY 8 -- Laid around camp all day. Drew new clothes this afternoon.

WEDNESDAY 9 -- Got a letter from Thayer (?) last night. Answered it today. Went for peaches this forenoon. Saw a cotton gin at work.

THURSDAY 10 -- On light fatigue this forenoon. Jas. Barrelle came up the river today quite unexpected. Weddell died the 8th at Baton Rouge. Jim [?] might have gone home.

FRIDAY 11 -- Laid around all day. How tedious and tasteless the hours go nowadays. Nothing to read and not much duty.

SATURDAY 12 -- Went for tomatoes this forenoon. Got a pail full of them about the size of a cherry. They make a good sauce.

SUNDAY 13 -- Wils and I went for peaches this morning. Got a fine lot.

MONDAY 14 -- Jimmy and Kelly left today. Wrote one letter. Spent the rest of the time as usual.

TUESDAY 15 -- Laid around camp all day. Mended up my clothes this afternoon.

WEDNESDAY 16 -- Went for peaches this afternoon. Broke out with the heat some to day. Feel uncomfortable.

THURSDAY 17 -- I staid in camp all day. Fixed up mm coat. I hope for the last time while in service.

FRIDAY 18 --Went for tomatoes this forenoon. Got a pailfull. Had General Inspection this afternoon and a row in the mess at dinner.

SATURDAY 19 -- laid in camp all day reading a novel. such is life. Got my knapsack, haversack, and canteen condemned today.

SUNDAY August 20, 1865 -- Read, loafed, talked all day. Got shaved. Wore off the day as dull as usual. Had two old Amboy Times to read.

MONDAY 21 -- Went for tomatoes this afternoon. It is warm and tiresome job. Wrote one letter.

TUESDAY 22 -- Got 3 letters from home today. Done my own washing this morning for the week.

WEDNESDAY 23 -- A warm day. Detailed on fatigue this afternoon and went as far as the carel (corral?) and came back.

THURSDAY 24 -- Laid around camp all day. Fixed up my duds. Read the novelette Vendetta clear through.

FRIDAY 25 -- Went for tomatoes this forenoon. Carried a punkin to camp. It was good. And something new besides.

SATURDAY 26 -- Got a bad cold in my head. Laid in camp all day. Johnny Pieronell came to the Regt. today.

SUNDAY 27 -- Staid in camp all day. Read and loafed in the daily way. No news, no nothing.

MONDAY 28 -- Wrote one letter. Went to Grand Ecore to see Johnny Pieronell. Came back and laid around the rest of the day.

TUESDAY 29 -- Staid in camp all day. Read the most of the time.

WEDNESDAY 30 -- Went for tomatoes this forenoon. A cool cloudy day. Wils got a letter from Jimmy. Glad to hear he is well.

THURSDAY 31 -- Mustered today for six (?) months pay. G. Raymonee of this Co. died this evening in the Reg. Hospital of Lgt fever and flux.

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Copyright 1993 Thomas H. Fisher, Tallahassee, Florida 32312

Many thanks to Thomas Fisher, gr-grandson of Thomas B. Fisher, for contributing this information.

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